Disclaimer: I received a pair of Shady Rays sunglasses to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador), and check out BibRave.com to review find and write race reviews!
I seem to go on spurts where I become obsessed with buying different running gear. For the longest time I had an obsession with buying running shoes. At one point I had six different pairs, two of which were the same color scheme, but I loved them so much I wanted a backup for when the first pair were worn out. One time I accidentally left my running shoes at the gym at my work, and instead of going back to pick them up, I used it as an excuse to buy another pair. Lately, my obsession has shifted to running sunglasses. In the last few months I have added three pairs to my collection in an effort to find the perfect pair. With this said, I was really excited when I had the opportunity to try Shady Rays as part of being a BibRave Pro, as they had been on my radar i’m in for a while.
Timing for receiving my pair of Shady Rays was perfect. My husband and I took my birthday off from work to spend the day together celebrating while the kids were at daycare. In true Johnson fashion, the first thing we had planned for the morning was a run together. Since one of us always has to be home with our young kids, we rarely have an opportunity to run together anymore. I was really looking forward to starting my day this way. My Shady Rays came in the mail the day before, so I was able to use my shiny new pair of sunglasses right away on my birthday run with my husband! What a fun way to start the day!
It was also Grandma’s Marathon race week, so we kept our morning run to 5 easy miles. I was in the thick of taper, going a little bit crazy, already planning my race outfit. It was supposed to rain, so I was waiting the forecast out to decide if I was going to be wearing a visor or sunglasses. I prefer sunglasses if it is sunny, but I need a visor if it is raining.
Of course I tried my new Shady Rays on as soon as I received them, and I instantly liked the way they felt on my face. I also liked the way they looked, as not all running/sporty sunglasses are very flattering. I was excited to try these out on a run and put them to the real test.

Shady Rays Selfie
During the last mile of my birthday run, I mentioned to Erik that I actually forgot I was wearing my Shady Rays. The lenses were extremely clear, they didn’t fog up, they didn’t bounce, and I didn’t get that annoying rainbow thing in certain sun angles that you sometimes get in the corner of your eye with polarized lenses. I decided after this run that I would wear them at Grandma’s Marathon if the weather cooperates. I do have two other pairs that I really do love, so the fact that my new Shady Rays beat out the other two tried-and-true options is very telling.
So, let’s cut to the chase. I ended up wearing my Shady Rays sunglasses during Grandma’s Marathon since the race morning forecast was calling for party sunny skies (no rain!). It wasn’t bright before the race so I was wearing them on my head to keep my hands as free as possible. It wasn’t until I felt something fall off my head at mile 5 that I remembered my sunglasses were still on my head. You guys, I lost my Shady Rays, the sunglasses that had just taken the front seat in my sunglasses collection just four short days prior. I tried to catch them, and I honestly thought about stopping to pick them up, but they quickly got trampled and lost in the herd of runners behind me. They were gone, and I was so sad about it!

Left: Pre-race team photo with my Shady Rays on my head
Right: Mile 21 after losing my Shady Rays at mile 5
This is where their first class customer service comes into play. On their website, and with every order, they tell you that if you lose or break your sunglasses, they will replace them for just the cost of shipping. Too good to be true, right? Nope, it is THAT great. I emailed wegotyou@shadyrays.com, a representative named Josh got back to me that same day. It was so easy, and now I have a brand new replacement pair headed my way. I’m thrilled!
If you’re interested in getting a pair of Shady Rays (or two!) for yourself, use code “BibRave” at checkout for 50% off 2+ pairs of sunglasses. I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Pros of Shady Rays:
- Stay in place, don’t bounce on your face
- The lenses don’t fog up, and I tested these in heat and humidity
- Very light, clear polarized lenses
- Their customer service and their warranty give them a competitive advantage against other comparable sunglasses options
- I like the style of these sunglasses to the point where I would wear these for everyday use, not just while running
Cons of Shady Rays:
- I wish there were more color choices. I love colored frames, but most of the frame colors were black or clear for the style I received
- The arms of the sunglasses are kind of hard to fold down, to the point where they don’t want to fold up all the way.
- The price point is a little high compared to other sunglasses in the same competitive set. However, with their warranty coming in to save me the way it did, I personally think they are worth the extra $25 investment
So tell me, what is your gear obsession? I can’t be the only one that buys running shoes and sunglasses in bulk!