Can I just start by saying that picking outfits for family pictures is damn near impossible? I just got done laying out all the options for our photo session on Saturday morning and I have 3 combinations (whittled down from 6) that I can’t decide between. I need someone to just decide for me! First, middle, or last?
I went back to work from maternity leave last Tuesday, and have really been struggling with finding a new morning routine. When we only had Emily, both my husband and I would get up at 6am and I’d get Emily ready for daycare while he showered, then he would take Emily to daycare at 6:45am. I would then set out for my run at the same time, leaving me with an hour to run with time leftover to shower and get to work by 8:45am. We had it down to a science, to the point where there were days that I’d be able to get as many as 10 miles in before work. Now, however, with two kids to get out the door, we are both scrambling to get each kid ready and in the car by 7am. Emily is in her prime threenager days, so it takes forever to get her ready because she won’t brush her dang teeth or cooperate to put her shoes on! So, by the time we get through the morning chaos, I’m left with only about 30 minutes to run and get to work on time.
I know we will find our groove, but in the meantime I’m finding myself on the treadmill late a night, sneaking out of work an hour early to squeeze in some miles before daycare pickup, or just straight up missing a run. I tried setting my alarm one morning for 4:50 so I could get my run done before the girls woke up, but that was certainly a failed attempt to get out of bed. Then another day I was just 45 minutes late to work. Today was the first day that I was able to get my morning workout done and to work on time, but that is only because I had a short run (3 miles) scheduled, and both kids happened to wake up at 5:45, which is not something I want to happen on a regular basis. I’ll take that extra 15 minutes of sleep on the weekends, thank you! I’ve also been slacking on my core exercises, which is almost more frustrating to me right now than missing a run. Core work was something I promised myself I was going to prioritize.
- Racing the sunset during a post-work run
- Yay for morning runs and getting to work on time!
Also, I’m not sure why, but I am finding my workout days to be daunting right now. Before my pregnancy with Charlotte, my tempo/interval/fartlek/track workout days were my favorite days. Now, however, I’m finding it hard to get out the door because I’m afraid that I won’t be able to hit the paces or distances on the plan. I know this, too, will come with time, but this is definitely a new feeling for me. I don’t even know where it is coming from, as I’m yet to have a workout that I wasn’t able to complete (I will eventually, it is inevitable!), and I’m finding my paces on my easy run days to be faster than I expected. Maybe I just need to have that crappy, total bonk of a run so that I can get out of my own head once and for all!?
So, what am I going to do about this? First and foremost, I am going to focus on increasing my water intake and better fueling/nutrition. I haven’t been great in either department since going back to work, which I think is contributing to my nervousness heading into my workouts. Also, next week I am going to try to get up 15 minutes earlier. That way I can have my coffee, get changed into my running clothes and pick out my work outfit for the day before the girls wake up. This alone should buy me an extra 5-10 minutes that can be allocated to working out (core work, maybe?). I am also going to try something new every day with Emily to try to speed things up. Basically, we need to find ways to keep Emily happy and encouraged in the morning so that she does what we ask without having a tantrum. She is usually a really good listener and actually a super easy kid, it is just the mornings that can be challenging. But if she wakes up on the wrong side of the bed, all bets are off!
If you have any tips on how to get a toddler to listen to you when you ask them to brush their teeth, let you do their hair, and get their shoes on, I’m all ears! Meanwhile, toddler parents unite, and please excuse me while I go have a glass of wine.

My plan for tomorrow and every day thereafter!